COMP_HACK Documentation (Unofficial)
Finding a copy of the COMP_HACK server is harder now after the lawsuit, but can still be found. I will not provide download links on this document, however. The COMP_HACK server comes in form of an MSI file. Run this file, and install COMP_HACK to a directory of your choosing. I will be writing this with reIMAGINE client files in mind, which can be found at
Go to the directory you install COMP_HACK in. By default, this is
“C:/Program Files/COMP_HACK”. In the COMP_HACK directory, there will be another named ‘config’. This folder contains XML files used for the configuration of your server. First, open ‘lobby.xml’ in the text editor of your choosing. There will be a placeholder folder path in an element tag, pictured here.
that tag, place the path to your reIMAGINE client folder. The client
folder is the folder containing the “ImagineClient.exe”
executable file. Under the member tag named WebRoot, type in the
three lines following in seperate lines.
<member name=”ClientVersion”>[Client version]</member
<member name=”AllowImport”>true</member>
<member name=”WebListeningPort”>[Port number up to 65535]</member>
The client version can be determined by launching the
“ImagineClient.exe” executable and checking the window title.
in the number exactly as shown (In my case, 2.032) into the [Client
version] variable.
The port number can be set at random, but quite a few numbers under 30 will be reserved and should not be used.
Once that has been done, save lobby.xml and quit. Then, open up world.xml. There will be a path placeholder similar to lobby.xml, type in the path to your reIMAGINE client files. Save world.xml and close it, then do the same to channel.xml
The port will most likely not be the default one found in your server, so we must change it. Open COMP_HACK/webroot/accountmanager/index.html in a text editor. Locate the line
“var SERVER_URL = “”. Change the blah to your port number.
The final step in configuring the server is starting the services so that you can play Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine. In the Windows search function, search for the application “Services”. In the Services application, look for ‘COMP_HACK Lobby server’. Start this service. Then, start the service entitled “COMP_HACK World server’ and “COMP_HACK Channel server” in that order.
And that’s it! You have successfully set up a local COMP_HACK server! The following information will be for server administration (eg. commands)
Commands can be triggered with the prefix @. Following is a list of helpful commands and I will list all IDs I know.
@item [ID]: Add items to your inventory, uses item ID list
@contract [ID]: Contracts demons, uses demon ID list
@enemy [ID]: Spawns a demon, uses demon ID list
@levelup [NUM] [DEMON]: Levels up your player or your demon, depending if the word Demon is after the number.